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More Pictures Of Me At The Zoo

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Mom took some pictures as well and I'm sure I'll be adding another page to My trip to the zoo in a few days.  So be sure to check back to see what else I saw and did at the Zoo.


We weren't for sure if this picture of Mom and I in the prarrie dog caves would take or not.  I'm glad it did.


Someone gave me a salad tomato and I made a big mess eating it.  But it was good and beside's it's my job to get messy.


They have a butterfly garden at the zoo.  Mom wanted a picture of her and me in the butterfly chair.  I never did see any butterflies though.  (Make a note to remind mom about that so I get to the next time we go to the zoo.)



I got to see the Lions.  There were some other pictures taken of the lions but Grandma Estelle says they're X-rated.  (Note ask Mom what X-rated is.)


Mom likes tigers, though I question the look in this one eyes...


I was a very tired little boy when the day was over.  I can't wait to go to the zoo again and see more animals.  I know I didn't see them all today since some were inside since it was so hot.  Oh well maybe next time.


Now this is what I call getting really up close to the prarrie dog.


Just one of the prarrie dogs I got to see.


It was hot today and I'm sure glad that they had the sprinklers for me to play in.  Mom says this was another first for me playing in the sprinklers.


Mom, Mary and I pulled leaves off the trees to feed the giraffes.


This is a meerkat.  I wonder if he's related to the cats that I see running around everywhere?


Grandma Estelle says she wants to come back as an eagle in her next life.  Of course her friend John told her that it would be her luck if she did that it would be after the Bald Eagle was taken off the endangered spieces list.  I wonder what endangered means?

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